
Talnalás Danapad fyrir Danalock V3

Talnalás Danapad fyrir Danalock V3

Talnalás Danapad fyrir Danalock V3

Talnalás fyrir Danalock V3 snjalllásana, tengist með bluetooth og notar 4 stk AAA rafhlöður.

Pláss fyrir allt að 20 4-10 stafa númerakóða.


kr. 19.900

Á lager

Vörunúmer: POLBD0BP0SIBTG Flokkar: , , Merkimiðar: , ,


[vc_row][vc_column][mk_fancy_title font_family=”none”]With the Poly-Control Danapad for the smart door lock Danalock V3, it is possible to authorise access even to guests who do not use a smartphone or a physical key.

The owner of the lock simply generates up to 20 number codes in his app and thus can assign time-limited, repeated or permanent permissions to open and close the Danalock V3 to other users.

The Danapad is battery-powered and weatherproof, so it can be positioned anywhere near the front door and within Bluetooth range of the door lock. It can be screwed to the wall or attached with adhesive pads.


  • Danapad keypad to complement the Danalock V3 smart door lock.
  • Enables the Danalock V3 to be opened and closed without a smartphone, simply via an individual code
  • Ideally suited for children, elderly people and guests who neither use a physical key nor a smartphone
  • Owner can set up to 20 codes and assign them to users
  • Character length of the numeric codes: 4-10
  • Communication with a Danalock V3 via Bluetooth 4.0
  • Weatherproof and battery-operated: 4 AAA batteries
  • Can be screwed or taped to the wall

Download high resolution images for Poly Control products.[/mk_fancy_title][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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