
Lof Necklace – Black

Lof Necklace - Black

Lof Necklace – Black


Lof or Lofn was a female Godess. She was revered for her kindness and responsiveness to prayers. Odin the Alfather or Frigg, the higest female Godess, therefore allowed her to interact with the mortals. Her name therefore would be Praise or the one to be praised.


kr. 13.600



The necklace is with one „Stokk“ i.e link and is 25 x 12 mm. The chain is 2,3 mm and 45 cm long. Extension cord is 5 cm. Weight 10 grams

This beautiful necklace is made of surgical steel. Plated with black plating that adds to the durability and lighter maintanance. In addition the plating secures and provides extra protection against allergy and irritation. It has high polished sheen that adds to the allure of the pieces that makes it a joy to wear. The plating, color, and sheen last for decades without damage.

100% skin and environment friendly


Hálsmenið er með einum stokki (hlekk)  og er 25 x 12 mm. Keðjan er 2,3 mm og 45 cm löng (framlengingar keðja áföst 5 cm) Þyngd 10 gr.

Hálsmenið úr þessari fallegu skartgripalínu eru úr læknastáli og er húðað með svartri húðun sem býður upp á margfalt meiri endingu og léttari umhirðu en aðrar húðanir. Þá tryggir húðunin hámarksvörn fyrir ofnæmi, fegurri gljáa og áferð. Þessi húðun er umhverfisvæn.






Vendor Information

  • Store Name: Silfa
  • Vendor: Silfa
  • Address: Klyfjasel 13
    109 Reykjavík
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